Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Snake bite

Oh yes, you read that correctly. I was walking leisurely through the yard in the grass (short grass, I might add) and I feel what felt like a small pinprick on my left ankle. I look down behind me and the snake is coiled and looking at me. So, of course, I scream at the top of my lungs and run away. The snake doesn't seem too terrified since it slowly starts slithering away. Derek and Kara yell over to see what was going on. I yell back, "A snake just bit me!" Oh yes, the scream was warranted, although I'll be the first to admit that most of the time I scream at silly little things. This was not something silly though. So Grant kills the snake, Kara runs to get her book so we can try to identify it. We think it was a Western Rat Snake, which are not dangerous to humans. The snake must have been in the middle of the yard, saw me coming and coiled up, then lunged at me when I was right on top of him. I NEVER saw him!

I guess I'll be watching where I'm going more closely from now on. I called the doctor, went in to his office, and came out with a tetanus shot. Not too bad. No swelling or anything. The shot hurt worse than the bite. So here are some pictures of the "wound". I have pictures of the snake but I'm not sure if people will want to see those. If you do, email me and I'll send you the picture.
See the little red dots on my ankle?

Here's a closeup.

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