Monday, April 12, 2010

Corn Hole

My wonderful parents got us the board and bean bags for Corn Hole! We've been playing it a lot since the weather has been nicer. It's so much fun! Makayla likes to play, but it becomes a challenge when she climbs on the board, looks into the hole, and takes the bean bags. Oh well... we still have lots of fun!

Sarah and Derek...
vs. Grant and Martin. Look at the focus.
Makayla stealing away the bean bags.

I was trying to distract her with the camera.

I thought this picture of her running toward me was too cute not to post.
So I told her to pose and smile. Then she would want to see the pictures.


Monday, April 5, 2010


it's finally SPRING!!!
The daffodils are blooming,
and the cats are finding shade wherever they can...

I love spring. :)