Saturday, January 30, 2010

snow, snow, snow

We got about 4-5 inches of snow this week! It was very powdery snow, so when Grant and I got out to shovel, it wasn't too much work. Here's a view of our house with the white blanket.

Grant loves how his cattle in these pens look when they are all lined up... lots of different colors. So, he had to get a picture of his favorite things... his wife and his cattle! HA!

Of course, here's Gus playing in it. He's actually not a huge fan of the snow. He doesn't like it sticking to his paws. :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I WISH we were there to go sledding with the Klingenbergs!!! What FUN that would be! Hope you guys are doing well. Let us know when you're ready for a trip to NE. :)
